Saturday 13 April 2013

Keeping contact

Yesterday was a day of contact. A day when I realised how many different, important people there are in my life.

It started with my friend B phoning and telling me he'd got the job he'd applied to and is now going to move to the big city.Goods new for him and good news for me :-)

I spent a few minutes chatting with my mum on facebook, followed by a quick chat with my aunt concerning marketing.

The day continued with me calling my dad to hear what's going on in his life (marking papers so not very stimulating), getting a call from my friend P and hearing how life is going with him (stressful), a long discussion over the phone with my friend D (a subject that will conern a new blog entry) and having a chat with my friend T who I haven't had a lot of contact with lately. I also tried to phone my sister and realised that she's out in the woods and surviving on what she can find there for this week so she's cut off from the world.

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