Yes! It's finally happened! So, a year and half ago I wrote a post about Facebook's then recently released "Graph Search" where it was possible to do searches like
They had complemented this with the search engine Bing to cover for any searches that resulted in no results.- Language spoken by my friends
- People who are not my friends and are relatives of my relatives
- Friends of my friends that are male and single
But this has now had a major overhaul! Bing results has finally been removed (unfortunately not the terrible translations done by them) and - best of all - they have added the possibility to search Facebook posts!
At the moment it is unclear in what type of order they come as it's mixed both post by friends and posts that are public and not in any chronological order. Most probably it's doing some internal ranking but it will be interesting to know what it is based on. The search is straight up looking for whatever.
All past posts that have been created seems to be searchable, at least I managed to find posts that I had created back in 2008. So if you think you wrote weird things back in your day, now is probably a good time to go through your old posts and delete them.
Of course... what I want is to be able to do searches like:
- What do my friends think about [...]?
- What do my friends in Linköping like to write about compared to my friends in Stockholm?
- How many public posts about [...] have been written in Istanbul?
What I'm going to be doing:
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