Tuesday 16 April 2013

Search Engine Optimization

Second year at uni I studied a course called Advanced Linear Algebra. Being a very theoretical course and many non pure-math students there, one of the first questions that naturally came up was "What can you use this for?" The professor lit up and answered that Google uses it in their ranking system and is one of the reasons to why it is so successful. Being a second year math student, no more interest was given to this answer other than surprise that theoretical maths was actually being used outside uni life. I enjoyed the course as the professor was inspiring and the course layout meant that we could spend a lot of time delving in to the understanding of the course.

google search algorithm funny

A few years has past since that course and I have found I am more and more interested in how social media works and how information is spread. A few days ago I wrote about Going viral and lately I have been doing quite a bit of reading about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

When I started to looking around for what SEO is, the main definition I could find was that it is the art of optimizing a website so it shows up with a high ranking on search engines. But skimming through the SEO theory blog, I found this theory which I like better:

"The use or application of algorithms to influence the predictable content and quality of search engine results according to the chosen criteria of the optimizer."

It is, I think, a better description of what SEO's do as they do not only analyze the content of the website but also how search engines algorithms work, how the public search for information and how competing companies portray their own information.

SEO in simple terms funny

While surfing this topic I also stumbled across Search Engine Optimization - Starter Guide written by Google which was very interesting. Very helpful tips on what to think about when designing a website including best practices, sitemaps and mobile directing.

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