Saturday 18 May 2013

Stereotypes and Leadership

The PewGlobal recently published an article about a poll conducted in several countries and where they have concentrated on the European Union. Now I love statistics, and although I have little trust in surveys, preferring cold hard facts, I love the graphs that can be generated from the answers. My favourites in this article, are one concerning Leadership role and Stereotypes.

The graph above concerns what people think about whether their own leader has done a good job in dealing with the economic crisis. In all the countries excepting Germany, the percentage is below 40 making it visible that there is little trust from the citizens in how they believe their own leaders has handled the situation. Whether that is the case is, of course, not possible to determine as this is as survey that measures what people think. What people think is not always the same as what is the fact. 

Now what I like is the next graph that takes the though one step further in the leadership role. People are not only asked whether their own leader does a good job with handling the crisis, they are asked if Merkel, Hollande and Cameron have done a good job with handling the crisis.

In all countries except Greece, they give Merkel a higher mark then their own leader, and both Hollande and Cameron has had a positive trend where only 2 countries have given their own leaders a higher score.

The graph below is my absolute favourite. It concerns what people think about each other which is always of interest to me. I will leave the graph to speak for itself as I believe most people will love to delve in to the different meanings it could have.

I will also post last years survey about the Stereotypes, The headings are different but are still fun to compare with.:

I did a quick search to see if I could find anything about Sweden's stereotypes but could not find anything. If anyone has any information on where I could get hold of that, you are very welcome to contact me.

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